17 Oct

New! Brazil Passport Renewal

If you are a Brazil national and need to renew your passport, we can help you!


  1. Expired Brazilian passport.
  2. Passport Application Form properly filled out and signed by applicant.
  3. One passport photo.
  4. Original Brazilian Identity card.
  5. Original Brazilian Birth Certificate.
  6. Original Marriage Certificate. (If Married)
  7. Original Military Card (Males between the ages of 18-45 years of age
Instructions for sending your Brazil Passport Renewal to Texas Tower
  1. Gather the requirements listed above.
  2. Fill out the form below.
  3. Federal Express your requirements, order form (below) and payment to:

Texas Tower Passport and Visa Services
2020 Montrose Blvd, Suite 400
Houston, Texas 77006

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