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25 Feb

Tips for Getting Your China Visa Fast in Houston

Knowing the basics of getting your travel visa for China can make the process go a lot faster. Our Houston-based office can expedite the entire process for you.

When to Apply
The timing of when you apply is an important part of getting your visa. You can start the application process within 90 days of your departure date, but no sooner.  Although we can validate any jurisdiction, there an extra $150 fee for processing applications outside of Houston.

No Showing Off Your Awesome Handwriting 
Also, the application for a China visa must be type-written. Although many embassies allow for handwritten visa applications, the Chinese Embassy isn’t one of them and any application not submitted in typed form will not be accepted.

Special Note for Individuals Born in China
If you were born in China, you will need to submit to us your Chinese passport or a copy of its personal information page, or your last foreign passport you received with a China travel visa. Your visa application may require that you submit renunciation papers.

Types of China Visas
There are two main types of travel visas. Business and tourist. The nature of your travel to China will depend on the type of visa you need to apply for.

Process for Getting a China Visa
There are just 4 easy steps to getting a visa for a trip to China.
1. Choose your type of visa.
2. Go to our China Visa page and complete the documents.
3. Ship completed paperwork to us with your payment
4. We make the trip to the embassy so you don’t have to.  The final thing to do is just wait for your visa to arrive in two to ten business days (dependent on the time service chosen).


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