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10 Jan

How to Get an Apostille with Texas Tower

Many countries require documents that have been certified as authentic. The most common types of documents that require an Apostille are death and birth certificates, decrees of divorce, and marriage licenses. Texas Tower can help you get an Apostille with little hassle on your part. If you are in need of an Apostille, visit this page and read below to learn more.

What is an Apostille?

Many countries will not accept documents as authentic unless they are certified. An Apostille or embassy legalization certifies the authenticity of documents issued in the US, so the documents may be used and accepted by businesses and governments outside the United States.

What type of documents do you process most often?
The most common types of documents needing an Apostille are certificates of birth and death, marriage licenses, decrees of divorce. Other common types of documents are school transcripts and diplomas. Powers of attorney may also require an Apostille for validity outside the United States.

Need documents notarized?
We can help!

Contact us at or call us at 713-874-1420 if you are in need of further information on the travel status of a country or the travel and passport services that Texas Tower offers.

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