How to Update the Name on Your Passport
The US passport office is currently closed due to the COVID-19 quarantine, however someone that must change their name on their passport can prepare their documents and then send them into Texas Tower upon everything reopening.
When a person is divorced, married or otherwise must change their name – the social security card and driver’s license are usually the first to witness a change.
An absolute must is to update the information on your passport. This eliminates the chance of your being detained or otherwise delayed on your trips due to your name on your passport not matching your other documents. This is critical for newlyweds planning a trip out of country for their honeymoon, and at least one of them has changed their name on their driver’s license or any other documents to reflect this new relationship status.
Updating the name on your passport is simple. The service you will require is reapplying , you will need a copy of your documents to certify your marriage or otherwise document to certify your name has been changed. Other than that, there are no other special requirements besides simply applying for a renewal of your passport.
Call our offices today at (713) 874-1420 if you need to change the name on your passport or have any questions. A team member will walk you through the process.