Getting Your Uganda Travel Visa or E-Visa in Houston Texas
While you’re planning your trip to Uganda, let us take care of obtaining your visa for entry to the country. Our Houston office can expedite your travel documents as fast as you need them.
If you’re looking to obtain an E-Visa for Uganda entry, talk to us – we can assist you in obtaining that too.
The process is slightly different for business-class visas and tourist visas, we can obtain either one for you.
Uganda Visa Requirements
- Two completed applications for a visa (available from us)
- Two passport photos
- Your current US passport
- One copy of your flight itinerary
- Texas Tower Order Form
Business visas only:
Company business letter (we can provide a sample)
We can translate any documents you require. Also, travelers from the United States entering Uganda will need proof of a Yellow Fever vaccination. If you aren’t sure what you need to meet that requirement, contact our Houston office at 713-874-1420 and we’ll be glad to help you.
Get started at Uganda Travel Visa.