How to Get a U.S. Passport for Your Newborn
In the present, all travelers need a valid U.S. passport to travel internationally, including your newborn. You have two choices, you can do the applying and paperwork submitting yourself or you can outsource the task to us. If you need the passport sooner than six to seven weeks, that’s where we can help you.
Here is how to obtain a passport for your baby through us.
First, make sure your departure date is at least three days from the day you apply.
There are a few documents we’re going to need. You will need documents with original signatures as the State Department requires it. As a result, email and faxed documents cannot be processed.
This process not only applies to newborns but also any child under the age of 15.
Step One: One completed and signed the passport application. This must be completed online at the Department of State (we can give you the link). Do not sign these forms.
Step Two: You will need to submit two passport type photos. You can take the photos yourself but there are strict requirements. Talk to us if you’re not sure.
Step Three: You will need to submit proof of identity in the form of a certified birth certificate. (We can assist you with obtaining this document).
Step Four – One copy of mother and father’s State issued ID. If both parents are not able to be present, there is a form we can give you a link for to fill out.
Step Five: Proof of departure, which can include a copy of airline tickets, company letter requesting expediting or a travel itinerary.
Step 6: Visit your local post office to have your documents witnessed, signed, and sealed. Then bring or Fed Ex the envelope to our office with payment and we can take your passport application to the finish line.
If you have any questions, our staff is happy to answer any questions you may have. Se Habla Espanol 713-874-1420.